"I find melting textures to be appealing. It draws the eye in a way to see, unlike reality. I wanted the blob to sort of disguise himself in with the background to create the image of everything melting together."
"I found inspiration for this drawing in the show "Rick and Morty". The show is very out of the box and creative. It involves a scientist named Rick and his grandson Morty going on adventures. The show usually includes many "twists" which the viewer doesn't necessarily expect. I enjoy the show's unique creativity and animation. I decided to see if I could amp up the already hectic show to be even more vivid and chaotic."
"Over small inconveniences, we as humans tend to make these small, daily issues seem bigger than they are. Since we don't realize this, when others tell us to "calm down" or "relax", we take it negatively. So I wanted to interpret this negative aspect into something positive with bright colors. Because In the end, we should let things take their course and not panic."
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